Monday, October 7, 2013

Have You Ever Wondered What a Plant Knows? (A Free MOOC Course)

There is a really interesting course, What a Plant Knows and Other Things You Didn’t Know About Plants, being offered at the free MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) platform Coursera.  This course explores the question: Do plants have senses?  The course topics include how plants sense their environment; how scientists study plant senses; and classic and modern experiments in plant biology. The teachers suggest that we may even start to question what defines us as humans.  The course has already begun but is still open; however, you will need to register by Tuesday, Oct. 8, if you would like to register for professional credits (a fee is associated with that option.) Find this course by visiting and search for the course using the keyword: plants. Not to sound loopy, but I have wondered if carrots feel anything when we chop them into pennies, so count me in!