Monday, September 16, 2013

Horticultural Therapy Professional Registration Documentation

Here are two PDF forms that I created to document my hours and activities performed during my internship as I work toward professional registration as a horticultural therapist through the American Horticultural Therapy Association (AHTA). Please feel free to use them.

Internship Daily Log
The daily log is useful for recording activities throughout the day. For example, the following could be penciled in across the first line: 9/16, 10:00-10:30 Setting up for first HT session, .5, 108, and .5 entered in the column marked "Program Planning/Preparation". The results are then tallied and summarized on the hours and percentages form below. Note that neither form is computerized to calculate. 

Internship Hours and Percentages
Although I could get by using only the daily log format form and tallying each sheet as they fill up (which would provide a grand tally by the end of your internship), I find it clearer to have my hours summarized using the hours and percentages form (also shown here). The hours form also helps me to monitor if I am getting my hours in the correct ratio of direct client services, non-direct client services, and horticultural services.

Click on either form to get its PDF version. Post any questions you may have in the comments below.

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