Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Beets: A Super Healthy Food, But Tasty? Yes!

On a rainy day last spring I dutifully planted beets despite having had little previous success with them. This year was different--I had a bumper crop! They formed big round spheres that, now in September, continue to maintain their sweetness and ideal texture. Perhaps this was due to the variety, Red Cloud Beets (F1 Hybrid; 50 days; Pinetree Seeds), or maybe it was the cooler August temperatures. At any rate, a new problem emerged, how does one eat so many beets?  I came up with this recipe that I find delectable! Now I'm a beetaholic!

Beet, Apple, and Wild Greens Salad

1/3 beet (3" diameter), peeled and grated, grown or bought
1/3 apple, not peeled, grated
1/3 c wild greens: dandelion, lambsquarter, miner's lettuce (Claytonia), etc., chopped OR any green: arugula, kale, etc.
1/2 t ginger, fresh, diced (optional)
2 t  lime juice
2 t  olive oil
8    cashews, raw or toasted, chopped
dash salt

NOTES: Serving Size: 1. Expand by multiplying quantities. Use organic ingredients, if available. Using scissors makes quick work of "chopping" the greens. All quantities can be adjusted to what you have on hand.

I would love to hear if you like this salad in the comments below. 

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